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Harry Smith

Head of Key Stage 3 and Head of Maths

Head of Maths and Head of Key Stage 3 (BA Hons, PGCE)

Harry is a former student at the school and despite being left 10 years has joined as a member of staff only 2 years ago. Harry graduated with a degree in Mathematics from Bristol University where he also undertook his PGCE. Harry has worked in multiple secondary schools before joining Commerce Road High School and brings a wealth of knowledge to our team. He is a keen football player and runs the Key Stage 3 football club alongside our Sports Department.

Welcome to our school! This is a joyful, exciting learning community where everyone who works here, or visits, is made to feel welcome and valued.  At All Saints', we emphasise the importance of building close, effective relationships, working hard, challenging ourselves and having fun.


We are a Catholic school with values rooted in the teachings of Jesus and we work hard to foster these values in our children. The spiritual, moral, emotional and social well-being of every child is a priority to us.


We aim to provide a happy, nurturing, loving, learning atmosphere, with close liaison between home, school, parish and the wider community, recognising the shared responsibility we have in the all-round development of our children. We are very proud at All Saints’ that we really are a ‘school family’. 

  • St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust

    c/o St Mary's Catholic School


    Bishop's Stortford

    CM23 2NQ

    01279 654901


St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust Newsletter

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