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Welcome (Duplicated)

Welcome to Juniper School.

Juniper School is in the unique and privileged position of serving a thriving and diverse local community. In common with many schools we are continually evaluating and improving what we do to ensure that every child is ready for a life-time of learning and is equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and attributes to flourish in a rapidly expanding and complex world. We aim to provide a curriculum that is both memorable and relevant.


We believe our school is a fun place to learn, with staff committed to helping our children to remember their primary school days as ones when they gained the confidence and inspiration to face the challenges beyond with a genuine love of learning.

Juniper School is a Hampshire County Council Local Authority Maintained school, catering for boys and girls from 4 to 11 years of age, with one class per year group (Year R – Year 6).

We are a busy and friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.

Thank you for visiting!